Review of The Pilot

Doctor Who: The Pilot (2017)
Season 10, Episode 1
Calling this The Pilot was genius
21 November 2020
Not just a good pun, but a perfect label for this episode.

The Doctor has gone through a number of phases since the first season. And in the last two, he's aged thousands of years.

Billions if you include psychologically in his little torture chamber trip to Gallifrey.

It shows. Wonderfully. He's evolved. Clara changed him. Seeing River before the last time for both of them, then the last time for all of us. Brilliant finale in the previous season to finally complete River's arc.

This was a proper Pilot episode. It rebooted the series despite keeping the same Doctor.

Bill Potts...

The innocence and curiosity. The thirst for being available. Generous. Kind.

She's Rose Tyler, and then some.

This might have been some of the best consecutive episodes of Doctor Who thus far.

Rigsby and Me. Amazing characters. Clara being Clara and being the perfect influence on the Doctor.

His last tango with River.

His personal growth and rescue of Nardole.

Bill f'n Potts and becoming a real mentor to her.

Just a fantastic series of episodes here.
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