Terrible episode and a complete waste of time
21 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Well that's 54 minutes I don't get back. This is clearly just a filler episode which doesn't add anything at all to the main story. The nightmares are dull and predictable. The demon is ugly af and not in a scary way. Why? Why do we have to watch all of their nightmares? They are just stating the obvious. We already know of their respective complexes: Sabrina's duality issues and her big witch secret in the muggler world especially in regards to her love story; Ambrose's entrapment struggle; Zelda's palpable love interest in the High Priest; and Hilda's sister complex. It's typical Hollywood and so American to spell it out so clearly. And even more when Sabrina talks to Salem to really hold our hands in this reaaaally complicated plot. Please have a little faith in your audience. We're not that stupid. Lousy lousy writing.
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