Review of Greenland

Greenland (2020)
Very well done, action-packed, end of the world film.
22 November 2020
First, let me confess and get this out of the way, I do like Gerard Butler. However, that is not why I think this movie is so good. This was a very well done, action-packed, end of the world film. Was this film totally perfect? No. Were there any mistakes made in the film? There may have been, but you would have to look very hard to find them. The production values were very high. The acting was very well done. Everything had an expensive, polished look to it. The cinematography, acting, editing, sound and SFX were all up there. The budget I believe, was $35 million; and every single penny of that is up on the screen for you to enjoy. DO NOT allow the negative reviewers to scare you away from watching this film! If you do, you will be robbed of experiencing a very good action movie. It seems like some people watch a movie with the sole intention of trying to pick it apart! Some people say that all of this is been done before. Well maybe in a way, it has. Think about it. Just how many different ways can you make an end of the world film? Look where we are. It's 2020. Do you know how many end of the world movies have been made?! Hundreds, if not thousands! So to be honest, it's kind of hard to come up with an idea that is completely original. They say the devil is in the details. The truth of the matter is that in all of these end of the world movies that have been made so far, the differences between them is in the details! For instance, we already know (from the trailers) that a planet killing comet is going to hit. And yes, we know that there are going to be people panicking, and experiencing hardships, and all kinds of destruction, etc., etc., etc. So when you consider all the movies that are made with that general plot outline, the only way they can vary from each other is in all of the many details. For instance, take a movie script, copy it 100 times, and give a copy to 100 different directors and film crews. When everything is said and done, you will end up with 100 movies all about the same thing. But all of these movies will be completely different from each other. They will have a different look, feel, atmosphere, technical expertise, flavor, etc. And the reason that they are all completely different from each other, is because there are so many 1000s and 1000s of small details that make up a movie that cause these movies to be completely different from each other. So like I said, the devil is in the details. And the details are what make a movie either good or bad. All in all, I think that Greenland is a very well done movie. So yes, when you sit down to watch the movie, you already know that supposedly, a comet is going to destroy the world. But you don't really know exactly how it's going to happen. And you don't know exactly all of the infinitely small details that join together and ultimately bring you to that event. I thoroughly enjoyed this movie. Is it the 'comet ends the world film' to end all, 'comet ends the world films'? Probably not. But this film is definitely worth watching. You will be thoroughly entertained. All of the main actors are people that you actually end up caring about. Were some aspects of the movie glossed over at the expense of other parts? Perhaps. So all in all, let me just say this: This was a very well done, action-packed, end of the world film. And I believe that you will really enjoy it! Because ultimately, the goal of a film such as this, is to entertain you. And Greenland really succeeds.
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