What we all need to see
24 November 2020
This film is very well done and balances information and entertainment and argument in a very inclusive non-combative approach. Its not just some pushback for meat. Not by any means. This is the film that can redirect the conversation from a naive debate between killing animals or not, to a look at sustainable agriculture vs the current extractive damaging system that is failing us, destroying land and farmers and public health as well as causing cruel suffering.. Recognizing that whether the industrial system is used for plants alone or for all forms of food, that animals do and will suffer as their habitatis are eliminated with massive industrial ag. That our whole system needs to incorporate time tested approaches that we can live with, thrive under. This film shows that as long as we isolate ruminants and other animals from our land and farms that we will never be able to feed ourselves, nor will we find our place in the web of life. The farmland itself is deteriorating without well managed animals. To eliminate ruminants from the food chain is not good for them nor our health, but simply a misplaced idealism based on isolated, disconnected naivity from disconnected (though caring) citizens who have lost perspective on nature, traditional agriculture and the needs for nutrition. worldwide, not just in rich countries.

This film does some heavy lifting that society needs desparately in order to work through the food and farming mess we are in. Its a joy to watch. See it!
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