Home Made Charm
25 November 2020
What's more hilarious than hearing someone rant and rave about the mundane frustrations we as a species collectively share daily? Oh I don't know maybe if the character in question has bull-feces for a face. This series has a very home made feel to it with some videos being little more than slideshows of pictures, but that's not really what we come here for, what we come for is the hilarious narration of a guy that just cant take it anymore. He's bursting at the seams with annoyance at these trivial things that most people can relate to. We've all been boiled to the point of exploding over something simple but man this guy really knows how to dissect it. You start to wonder if in real life he's really this misanthropic, but from what I can jest, nah this guy is actually incredibly wholesome. This huge contrast only draws more highlight to the character played and adds some merit to his acting skills. This might be my favorite Cinemassacre series purely for the relatability. It can turn things that you don't really ever think about into something of catastrophic proportions. The way he just rips and tears into the people that designed these faulty apparatuses is entertaining to watch and I find myself going through the whole catalog from time to time, as they are very short and can be consumed quickly and easily without much thought. Where I might be afraid to say something to a customer service person for fear of being deemed a jerk at least I can always live vicariously through The BullS**t-Man. A hilarious segment that I wish there was more of
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