Bedroom Story (2020)
Wonderful and funny
28 November 2020
Random find that was funny and entertaining. I'm no actor, but it has to take a lot to be that visible all the time. A marriage Story moves (literally and physically) is explosive and has two amazing leads in Scarlet Johansson and Adam Driver. But give these two their props. With everything at its barest these leads, Annie Cavaliers and Michael Marc Friedman embodied honesty in a relationship and moves the characters along. Relationships are a balancing act. Fear stifles us. And the games we play with each other and the lies we tell ourselves can leave us in a vacuum. The relationship with self can be more important than ones you have with your partners. Regret and midlife crisis; dealing with self doubt are explored here.

I laughed out loud several times. Flashdance? 😯Cheetos anyone?

Kudos to all involved in this. 1 hour and 29 mins well spent.
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