A Man's Head (1933)
a man's neck (or head)
29 November 2020
Pretty good crime/mystery. Didn't much care for Maigret being hijacked 'bout halfway through by Sadek, though. One of the hard and fast rules of movies is that if you've got a famous sleuth (Holmes, Marlowe, Poirot, Miss Marple etc) as the main character then you don't upstage him or her with a subsidiary character even if said sub character is undeniably creepily interesting as Sadek is here, with his Lorry-ish and Doestoevsky-ian intimations. I also agree with one of the previous reviewers who was underwhelmed by Harry Bauer's performance as Maigret. It's so low key that it renders the scene where he finally shows emotion at the death of a colleague, well, kinda ludicrous. However, there is no denying the gritty, tawdry atmosphere with which director Julien Duvivier manages to imbue this film. Hell, you can almost smell the Gauloises in the bar! For this, let's give it a generous B minus.
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