SITR is way better
29 November 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Love Korean dramas mainly because they have such great writers and of course amazing actors and actresses. Please keep in mind that this review is not about their acting. It is about the story and this story was just dumb.

While in a relationship, she falls madly in love with a good looking and charming younger man. She is a dominant, headstrong and stubborn person. The "new" guy is looking for someone who is good around his kid. But he is hiding his real self because he is scared to lose her. So she is suddenly going to become a mom to a kid from a different woman because she is in love? With that strong personality? How long will that last? He is not thinking about the long term welfare of the kid. They are totally not suited for each other.

She cheated on her boyfriend because he wasn't paying enough attention to her. The original boyfriend doesn't drink, doesn't go to bars, is not violent or dangerous. His only mistake seems to be that he works too hard and he has taken their relationship for granted. She got bored of him, she can get bored of the new guy. Except now there is a kid involved. After the honeymoon, where do you think his priorities are?: his own kid. And everyone else is backing them because they are "in love". No logic or reason. And everyone is giving her dad a hard time because he is "not making the right decisions" but no one is giving him any of the facts. He is totally in the dark about all his children because everyone is hiding stuff from him. The mom didn't believe the eldest daughter's story until she showed her the pictures. Once she learns that, she is mad at the dad because he is not supportive... so many inconsistencies!

Unfortunately the writers for this show twist things just to make their "love story" work.

5/5 for acting. 0/5 for the story.

Watch SITR, way better.
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