Gandahar (1987)
Absorbing, thought-provoking animated fantasy
6 December 2020
I watched this (French language version with subtitles) back-to-back with Fantastic Planet, which made for quite the double bill. You can still see the hand of Topor in the animation style of production designer Caza, although the 80s have seemingly exerted an influence with Masters of the Universe-styled fantasy characters and movements. That said, the design of the world of Gandahar and its inhabitants is brimming with creativity and many wonderful little details and is a joy to lose yourself in. The simply satire and poetry of the earlier film is still here, but lost somewhat under some rather convoluted high-concept fantasy/SF story-telling. The ideas presented are compelling (e.g. the utopian society built on a dark, forgotten secret that will return to destroy it; concepts of future and past, and their bearing on the present; sex and procreation; organic vs. synthetic etc.) but perhaps hurried through too rapidly in the film's relatively short running-time. There are also some plot and character holes that nag at the back of your mind as you're swept towards the (foregone) conclusion. All in all, an intriguing and enjoyable film with a unique vision. Just a little muddled.
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