Battle Earth (2013)
meandering clash of alien invasion thriller and psychological horror that is ugly to look at and pure monotony to listen to.
10 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What the hell was this? I mean, I appreciate the hustle. Rip off a big studio blockbuster by stripping the story down to its fundamentals and then reworking it so that it could fit within a five figure budget. Good, honest, wholesome Christian capitalism. But my appreciation extends no further to Battle: Earth, a poorly shot, poorly acted, lazily directed product that may have had some interesting dream sequences, but the characters are so un-engaging that the film's high points just get washed up in the mediocre tide.

If it's not the god awful white balancing or the muted sound design that will get you, it will be the utter slog that is watching a group of bland, interchangeable grunts make the slow, slow realisation that they are in for a very close encounter. I'm done here. If you want the atypical crappy mockbuster experience, then by all means, seek this out. It is shameless, it is cheap, it is very inept. Maybe i'd enjoy it more if the characters had an inkling of personality, but that's just too much to ask for it seems. I got nothing, but you do you.
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