Your Honor: Part Two (2020)
Season 1, Episode 2
If it weren't for Cranston
14 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Man oh man, I don't know what's been going on lately with the campaigns behind these shows, but this show is nonsensical to say the least. If it wasn't for Bryan Cranston, this show would be marked as garbage.

First off in ep1, the kid could've EASILY pulled over for a quick second when he was on the open road, with no car behind him yet, to bend down to pickup his inhaler. Skip to the laundry scene, you're telling me he forgot how to do that now too right? In other words, the kid is an idiot.

Second, it was an accident no? And if this guy is supposed to be a crime boss, surely he would have some kind of understanding that this wasn't on purpose if they came right out with the truth, I mean he does weld some kind of power over life or death in his field, so he's familiar.

Third, I honestly feel no emotions toward any character in the show, that was thrown away in episode one via the stupidity of the son, along the with vomit of exposition by Cranston's character, left no room for emotional buildup since we know everything now. I don't know how they're going to stretch this 10 episodes for real.

Oh I know, they're going to hatch a lot of contrived plot points/holes for the sake of "entertainment". Like let's have this kid locked up based on no analytical evidence, for no reason, other than to clear the son. Oh but wait we need 8 more episodes, so let's have the son be remorseful, let's see where they take this .
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