Sir Francis Drake: The Doughty Plot (1961)
Season 1, Episode 13
The Doughty Plot
14 December 2020
A case of who leads a ship. The captain or its investors?

Francis Drake has told Queen Elizabeth of his plan is to sail around the Straits of Magellan on the tip of South America. It has only been ventured before by Spaniards.

On board are three investors led by Tom Doughty who thinks Drake is going to Egypt to trade for spices.

The three men want to live a life of luxury onboard and treat the crewmen like servants. When they hear of Drake's real plans they are unhappy and incite a mutiny.

It is an unusual adventure which does not deal with the usual Spanish double dealing. However I have to wonder why Drake told Doughty that he was sailing to Egypt when he clearly was not.

There are plenty of able seamen on the ship but it seems apart from Drake, no one else can navigate.
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