Worst horror movie of 2020
16 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Here's what I got from this movie;

I think the director has a crush on lead actor Ronene Rubinstein. If he spent half the time focusing on the pacing and editing that he did on Rubinstein's six pack, I might've found something here worth watching.

I think Crispin Glover had a car payment to make because he's in this movie for about seven minutes and then he's gone.

This movie was 96 minutes long........ NO ONE DIES UNTIL THE 87 MINUTE MARK! I haven't been this bored with a movie since...... I DON'T REMEMBER EVER BEING THIS BORED WITH A MOVIE!

In conclusion, Smiley Face Killers has exactly ONE positive as a movie. It would be perfect to show to prisoners you need to extract information from. Is Guantanamo Bay still a thing? If so, ship a copy to them asap!
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