Using Covid denier momentum for PR
17 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
What better way to make money these days then with denying everything and playing facebook doctor. This movie is one of the reasons Lockdowns even take place. They are only there to fuel the mistrust even more while claiming to be "independent". They make money of this wanna-be-scientific non-sense and people who otherwise would buy crystals love this movie because it gives them a reason to not be safe and just deny reality. I was amazed he didn't mention 5G, Chemtrails, FlatEarth or Lizard people but they propably didn't want to be an easy target.

The concept is pretty smart. Put it on youtube for free for 2 weeks and then charge people for it.

  • Very One sided "Documentary"
  • Not one person with a mask in this movie.
  • States fault that there is not enough place in hospitals, so lets just open everything up.
  • Protagonist doesn't understand how vaccines work.
  • Bill Gates of course.
  • CoVid19 is just like Influenza.
  • Pharma bad.
  • Protagonist almost dies from heart infact, pharma good enough to save him there.
  • Hypnotizing music in the background at all times to increase fear.
  • Protagonist seem jealous that he is "not" making money now.
  • Why not make a movie then.
  • Lets add anti capitalism, while asking money for this "documentary".
  • Poor people will pay/donate money to this scammer.
  • Anti-Tech, but uses tech and social media themselfs.
  • Throws in BLM for no reason at all.
  • Asking for civil war.
  • Shows HK protest in context of italians not getting money.
  • Against polarisation, but itself pushes polarisation.
  • Is for independence, uses youtube and facebook to distribute itself.
  • Back to normal and 5% will die, no problem.
  • 500k dutch people can die... 2x more then WW2.
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