Attack on Titan: The Door of Hope (2020)
Season 4, Episode 3
Wow, the best episode since the start of the last season
20 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers
As usual, Attack On Titan is full of secrets and mysteries and in every episode they provide us with some of those secrets, but the secrets of this episode are the best for me. The way the director related the appearance of the giants for the first time 9 years ago, a fictional way, even Rainer, and even Annie, and even Berthold, they have human feelings, not as we thought, and this is related to eren's words in the last scene when he said that there are those who are pushing these people out of their wrath and not with their will (he means the Marlins They are the real bad peaple).

The director also linked the episode to the second season when Connie told Bertold we were using your sleep method to predict the weather, frankly, a more than wonderful scene. Finally what an end what a way eren appeared in the final scene, my heartbeat speeded up. I can't wait for the next week 😢. Now we know that the person who was hurting was carrying a newspaper in the first episode was eren and that the person who was watching Rainer from the window in the second episode was eren. My review is simply 10/10
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