Shortcut (II) (2020)
Some good parts but too few and far between
24 December 2020
There are quite a few good things about this movie. The acting from the young cast is good; the creature they are dealing with looks suitably frightening and there are even a few parts, especially at the beginning, which are quite creepy. The trouble is there are too many aspects of this movie that don't make sense. Actually what the creature is, where it came from; and what its motives might be are never explained satisfactorily. Who the teens are and their back story is never revealed even though there are one or two odd flashback scenes. Then there are a couple of plot lines which seem totally out of place and don't do anywhere anyway. Chief among them is the prison escapee who takes the kids hostage at the start of the movie. I actually thought this was going to be the plot of the movie, but no. That particular plot line is soon dispensed with and makes you wonder what the point of it was. In fact the whole movie is like that. I can't help feeling that a lot of this movie ended up on the cutting room floor for some reason, that the story was meant to be much more than what we see here. I certainly get the impression that the people who made this film thought they had produced something significant in the horror genre. They certainly haven't done that. It looks like they left things open for a sequel too. I can't see that happening.

Bottom line: this movie is certainly watchable; it's not long enough to really out stay its welcome. Just don't set your expectations too high.
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