Hunter Hunter (2020)
26 December 2020
I finished this movie 20 minutes ago, and I'm still rattled. I feel like I need a shower, and it's barely 8 am.

Let me just start by saying, this movie is intense. A taut thriller with Hitchcockian levels of tension and steeped in enough dread to keep Ari Aster awake at night. A plot not all that dissimilar to Leave No Trace, with splashes of It Comes At Night, and about as bleak as the darkest parts of the first season of True Detective.

A lot of reviews focus on the ending of this movie, but this had one of the best first acts I've seen in recent memory, and it never let up after that. I honestly have not been this glued to my seat since I saw Hereditary in theaters (and worth nothing, writer/director Shawn Linden seemingly released another feature 13 years ago, otherwise I would say this it the best debut in horror since Aster's 2018 masterpiece). Devon Sawa is as good, and as grizzled, as he's ever been, and Camille Sullivan and Summer Howell carry this film through to the end as startling revelation after startling revelation are revealed.

With only a few days to spare, this is my favorite movie of 2020. Cannot recommend enough.

Just wow.
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