Review of Jesse

Jesse (I) (2011)
Don't bother ............
29 December 2020
Typical shot on home video nonsense. The production values scream cheap. The acting by everyone not named Forsythe, Roberts, or Assante, is pitiful. The story itself of a renegade cop has been worked to death in infinitely better movies. Making matters worse almost all scenes are short, and cobbled together, so the entire film seems like nothing more than a series of loosely related skits. Almost every shot is in extreme closeup, which is both annoying and dreadful. Eric Roberts plays a bartender who has nothing to do with anything, and appears in exactly one scene. Armand Assante is an internal affairs investigator, and appears in exactly one scene. William Forsythe fares only slightly better with screen time. "Jesse" should be the poster movie for using three name actors as bait on the DVD cover, and then filling out the players with high school caliber talent. Avoid. MERK
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