Don't hate the gender, hate the game.
1 January 2021
So here's my issue.... I'm tired (as a woman) of LAZY WRITERS changing the genders of people and thinking that is enough to make women not notice that, as always, female characters are so often one-dimensional and tropey.

We deserve better. I want to see more women in movies... I'm tired of how many leading men I see. But I also won't just settle for just anything.

Including my gender isn't a game of money. Please for the love of GOD just give us some more representation that isn't forced. As a child who loved Ghostbusters... I deserved better. And so did you. That being said... A lot of far more terrible movies have received higher ratings from people. So don't be angry because a bad movie stars women (note this movie was written and directed by a man). Just WANT MORE from Hollywood. I know I do.
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