The best indie horror to come out of Britian!
2 January 2021
What happens when you throw Drop Dead Fred and a morbidly sadistic version of The Office into a blender? You get My Bloody Banjo!

Written and directed by British indie filmmaker and Troma alumni Liam Regan. My Bloody Banjo tells the hilarious yet tragic story of a disgruntled office worker, Peltzer Arbuckle (James Hamer-Morton). Poor Peltzer goes his daily life being bullied by his office peers, malicious boss Sawyer (Vigo Trigo), and dominative overbearing girlfriend Deetz (Dani Thompson). After experiencing a grotesque sexual accident brought on by Deetz, Peltzer decides to summon is imaginary childhood friend Ronnie (Damian Morter) via Ouija board to exact revenge and unleashes hell upon his foes.

Banjo doesn't hold back on pushing boundaries and touching upon controversial topics. Which is one of the key elements that makes it such a unique experience along with the over the top gore scenes and slapsticky comedic brilliance. The actors portraying the characters all gave stellar performances and could tell they had tons of fun!

If you're a hardcore Troma nerd, 80's horror and exploitation affictionato like Regan you'll notice many easter eggs and references to films of Frank Henonlotter, Llyod Kaurfman, and Micheal Herz. Even a cameo by Mr. Kaufman himself!

The fact it's micro-budgeted is purely breathtaking given how astounding the production value is. The make-up effects, cinematography, and sound design are top notch and really took me by surprise!

In summary, if you love Troma films and have a sickening sense of humor, you're in for quite the ride. I can't recommend this film enough and eagerly awaiting Regan's future projects!

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