Review of Bleed Out

Bleed Out (II) (2018)
Soul crushing, and uplifting at the same time.
3 January 2021
If you know Steve Burrows, like I do, you'd get what self sacrifice looks like. Of course, as viewers of his film, anyone is entitled to imagine alternate motivations for the making of Bleed Out - as a few cynical reviewers have posited. Some suggest he made the film and let the lawsuit linger to somehow benefit his own life? My goodness, no. I've known Steve for over a decade...first as a comedy director who shot several commercials for me, and now as a close friend who resurfaced after 10 years of taking care of his mother. Shooting this film was never his goal... In fact, the moment he left LA for Wisconsin he gave up working as a director - meaning, he was without an income, facing mounting medical bills on behalf of his mother, and putting his career and life on hold indefinitely - the entire time he took care of Judy because that was the only choice in his mind. Nearly half of his professional life disappeared as he did the only thing he knew how to his mom, and use his skills to document her unacceptable medical "care". Before Bleed Out, Steve wrote, acted and directed the silliest - dare I say sophomoric - work you can imagine. Google Glass Nickel Pizza for a laugh. Or track down his feature film Chump Change - the cameos from legendary comedic actors alone are worth it. That's the Steve I know. Always upbeat. Always grateful for his success (I watched him shake every hand of his crew after a shoot once, look them in the eye, and say thank you before he would even think of wrapping for the night). Steve is pure positivity. Even in the face of the most harrowing events in his personal life. Watch his film and take it at face value. There is nothing other than what you see. He had no other agenda. Once you accept that, you'll understand how heartbreaking - and heartwarming - his experience has been.
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