The season is about spending the time with those you love.
5 January 2021
"All boys want to be firefighters or cowboys. I'm tragically allergic to horses. So firefighter it is."

"Glad to see you don't scorn all Christmas trees." "If you are here to critique my tree decorations, you are a little early."

This was a slightly different entry in the Hallmark holiday movie offerings. Our two main characters were very antagonistic right from the beginning...hostile and challenging throughout...I had no idea that there was a right way or a wrong way to make a snowman or a snow angel. This lead to the first angry kiss I have ever seen portrayed on Hallmark. (And this is by no means a complaint, just an observation that took me by surprise...and I have watched a lot of Hallmark movies.)

"Oh my gosh! I love them so much!"-Claire

Kevin our single adoptive father and firefighter, and our protagonist who works for her father in the mayor's office meet when she decides that the tree in his front yard would be perfect for the town square tree lighting event that is going to bring in tourists, put Brooklyn, Colorado on the map and completely revitalize their economy. Kevin whose fire departments' budget is getting cut by the city's mayor's office does not agree...and the Sparks fly.

Lots of great one liners..."oh, I sent Santa my list weeks ago." "I approve this message.""my entire political career comes down to a tree."

And then there was an awkward moment that was actually handled well (and another first to my knowledge on Hallmark)..."I haven't done this in awhile." "Dinner?" "Go out on a date." " I'm gay. I think you're awesome." "But I'm not your type." At first I thought this scene was awkward, but the way it was recovered was genius and so natural. Can I just say how natural it is for someone new in town to be looking for a friend and someone to show him around without there being a sexual or relationship aspect?

I applaud Hallmark for trying something new and I think it worked. Another good looking cast with great supporting actors. One to add to your list to watch.
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