Bumperkleef (2019)
Brainless Crap
5 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This is beyond bad, leave your brain and lock it in a box cause you will not need it to watch this. SPOILERS The wife would have called the cops Why write down a number-plate when you have a mobile phone, don't they have a thing called a camera This weedkiller bloke is on how many cameras, So the idiot Police would not got to the petrol station and get the CCTV footage? And the Police after the wife nearly killed kids and people smashed up property with her driving, would have just just released her? And the car was full of poison, again the Police would just let them drive away and the car was dangerous to drive As soon as they saw they were being followed they would have gone to the Police station not got out and spoken to the psycho. Yes they wanted to make a film, but at least make it half believable And how the F did he work out by the fingerprints the code, as soon as we touch our phones we leave finger-prints, these prints are only on the phone to unlock it, then the other touches would have wiped over them, to lock a phone you don't use the code. what a load of dodo
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