U.S. Marshals (1998)
when I yell "action!", you do some action.
5 January 2021
The kind of jock-headed popcorn blockbuster that doesn't so much tick all the boxes as detonate them. The kind of film where you can imagine the cast doing a testosterone drenched huddle/team talk before takes. The kind of film where random military style music plays constantly throughout, reminding you to feel heroic and proud. Well, watching this outrageously pointless paean to gung-ho mediocrity made me feel about as heroic and proud as Emo Philips in a body-building contest. And yet, witnessing this big dumb jigsaw slowly fit itself together was not as wretched as it should've been. I'll concede that what US Marshals does quite well, it does quite well. The direction is slick enough to cover at least some of the cracks, and despite being made in '98 there's a pleasingly late 80's feel to the whole thing. 6/10
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