Not an overly impressive foray into the supernatural...
5 January 2021
Well, the concept idea of "The Child Remains" definitely had potential, and this had the possibility to be a good movie.

However, writer and director Michael Melski managed to deliver a movie that was unfathomably slow paced in its storytelling. So slow, in fact, that it was quite an ordeal to sit through the movie. And truth be told, the movie suffered terribly from this slow pace of storytelling, because by the time something worthwhile started to happen - in the last third of the movie - it was way too late, the damage had been irrevocably been done to the movie.

The acting in "The Child Remains" was actually good enough, taking into consideration the limitations imposed upon the performers. And because this movie had such a small cast ensemble, there was much more pressure on the actresses and actors to perform and deliver convincingly, and they actually managed to do that well enough, even with the plot, script and storyline working against them every step of the way.

I managed to sit through the ordeal that is known as "The Child Remains". And as the movie came to an end, I was left with an overwhelming sensation of having wasted a significant amount of my life on watching this movie, because everything felt like it was mere filling crammed in between the start and ending of the movie.

Ultimately, "The Child Remains" failed as a horror and a thriller, though the mystery aspect of it actually worked out well enough. My rating of "The Child Remains" lands on a generous four out of ten stars.
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