No, Type-2 Diabetes Isn't "The Neanderthals Revenge"
6 January 2021
...although that is a great name for a pirate ship.

This swanky 2018 2-part doc will perhaps always stay in my mind as the show that first introduced me the idiosyncratic host Ella Al-Shamahi, part explorer, part adventurer, part anthropologist, part Stacey Dooley, mostly Alan Partridge. She adds a strange awkward edge to proceedings but it sort of works. It's nice to see scientists put center stage, it's groovy to see a bit on the process of motion capture animation - the results still look pretty good even and Andy Serkis is a lovely man. Beyond that it feels deeply padded, a little too melodramatic and full of strange assertions that will, knowing the science of prehistorical research, likely have already been disproven in the three years since this was made. Not exceptional, not as wholly authoritative as it might have been aiming for but it is relatively diverting.
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