Review of I Am Greta

I Am Greta (2020)
Does Greta Thurnberg's Message Unite the Majority?
6 January 2021
I have always supported Greta Thurnberg's message. the climate crisis is a problem. The positives her is that the film highlights the hypocrisy of the world leaders in saying that they care about climate change, yet it is clear they treat Greta's message as a kind of interesting sideshow or spectacle for them to simply look as though they are listening and action is being taken. the film also sheds light on the narcissistic atmosphere of the political, cultural and religious elite as appearing to care about the issues she presents. However, these elites are simply going through the "meet and greet" formalities simply because (most likely) they are happy to associate with her to look as though they are on her side in order to enhance their own image.

The film does show Greta's awareness that the media are seeking to portray her as the leader of the environmental leader who began 'schools strike for climate', a point she is seen to reject in the film when a reporter tells her this. It is unfortunate that in some cases among her supporters this is the case of treating her as some sort of environmental figurehead or heroine, particularly online, have the impact of producing the opposite result Greta had intended. The latter who support Greta Thurnberg for her identity are people who have, perhaps unwittingly, created a cult of personality around her, prioritising her identity over what she proposes to do to tackle the climate crisis.

I will never forgive Thurnberg for spreading an ageist message that it is the fault of everyone of a certain age that the climate crisis is a problem that they and they alone have caused as opposed to the system as well as capitalism itself. She does in fact criticise the systemic problems but she is overly focused on uniting the youth as opposed to those outside the youth. She lacks the empathy/theory of mind that there are those on the fringes of society who are atomised and outsiders who find it difficult to even belong to any social grouping, let alone organise and join a movement. Her Aspergers or age should not excuse her of this as I have Aspergers myself and have the empathy to notice the difficulties associated with the outsiders that she seems to be unaware of.

Greta is also too eager to valorise one segment of the population, the youth, as the ones who will provide the solution. Although she means well, divisive identity politics will NOT create any intergenerational solidarity in tackling the climate crisis in the long-term. The youth segment of the population are not a majority, therefore it is incumbent on people within environmental movements to include everyone instead of demonising older individuals that they don't even know.
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