Irma and entourage go West to find their pot of gold
7 January 2021
As in the first film, "My Friend Irma," John Lund has the funniest role in this film, with Marie Wilson's Irma in second place. Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis afford some comedy, but Jerry's Seymour again has some scenes that are very dated and just don't tickle the funny bone two decades into the 21st century. And that goes for older funny bones (from pre mid-20th century) to the young ones of today.

Jerry's one very funny scenario is his playing canasta with a chimpanzee on the train. But, John Lund's Al can get laughs just on his persona - how he plays the role as a street mug, or when he calls Irma, "Chicken."

The funniest scene in the whole film is when Al is sitting at a table ready to take some chump in poker. A meek-looking patsy comes by and asks to be able to play. This is Lloyd Corrigan playing a character named Sharpie Corrigan - only Al doesn't know his name or who he is.

After Al gives the guy the cards too shuffle, the scene shifts to his hands. I don't know who the card expert was whose hands we see, but I don't think there's ever been a better or more accomplished scene of card shuffling in another movie. Besides a couple usual trick handling of the cards, this pair of hands splits the deck with half a deck of cards fanning out in each hand. He then melds to two hands together - not one hand on top of the other, but interspersing the cards. I've never seen anything like it before.

The scene then shows Al's face with a look of disbelief, and he comments about the guy never having played before, to which Sharpie replies that he played some other cards games. But now he deals five cards, one at a time to each of them. The game is straight five-card draw poker. Al looks at his cards and bets $200. Sharpie raises it $200. They go back and forth with raises, then Al says he doesn't need any cards. Sharpie doesn't take any cards either, so Al passes. Sharpie bets $200 and Al calls him. Al then lays down a straight. Sharpie asks him what will beat a straight and Al says a flush. Sharpie says he doesn't have a flush, and Al starts to rake in the pot when Sharpie says he has a full house. Al asks how he knows, when he hasn't even looked at his cards yet - and Sharpie holds up the full house for Al to see, without ever looking at the cards himself.

The expressions, of both characters during this hand of cards is half the comedy of this scene. It's too bad that the movie didn't have more comedy like this. Jerry has a far-out segment dressed as an Indian brave, trying to make a smoke signal, and then sneaking around to a crooks hideout. Besides the two scenes mentioned above, this film has some very funny lines. But for those, I'm not sure younger audiences today would find this film very funny. It's probably mostly for diehard Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis fans. Dean sings a couple of songs and those help the film some.

Here are the best funny lines in this film.

Jane Stacey, "I wonder if Steve's photogenic." Irma Peterson, "Why of course not. He's as healthy as a horse."

Irma Peterson, after they see Yvonne kiss Steve on TV, "Oh, don't be upset, Jane. That's just the French way of shaking hands. I... it's like when the Germans are leaving and they say, 'gesundheit.'"

Jane Stacey, "I believe you, honey, and I don't mean to be jealous. It's just that there's something about you that... that makes me hate all other women."

Al, "Holy smoke! Shanghaied by a screwball."

Irma Peterson, "Oh, don't be angry at Jane. Remember, it's better to give than receive." Al, "What has that got to do with this murderous situation?? Irma, "Oh, nothing, Al. I just thought it was a good time to quote someone."

Irma Peterson, "Oh, Al, did you see the moon?" Al, "Why, is it missing?"

Irma Peterson, "Oh, when I think of marrying you, I could stay sick forever."

Irma Peterson, "You didn't say anything about my new bathing suit." Al, "You got one on?" Ima, "Oh, Al, don't you pay any attention?" Al, "Chicken, with the problems I've got on my mind, you could be wearing a suit of armor and I wouldn't notice."

Al, "Now, chicken, run along and rejoice in your good fortune. Before long you will be Mrs. Al." Irma Peterson, "Oh, Mrs. Al."

Irma Peterson, "Well, Jane, you're wrong. He wasn't a quack doctor. He's a lumberjack."

Irma Peterson, "Although I've been engaged for five years, I've never had any children. I wanna be a mother." Pete, "It'd be better for your kids if I bump you off."
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