The Conjuring (2013)
A modern classic.
7 January 2021
It's several years since this film was released, and I have to say that none of the shine has come off it, the quality is still very much there, the film is a classic. As a horror it packs in some real scares, but there is so much more to it, it has tension, a story, and some real intrigue, possibly because of the fact that it was inspired by real life events.

Several films have followed, sequels and spin offs, but none of them come close to this, the only Horror film for many years to actually give me a few scares.

Many of the scares are so memorable, because they are so well executed, they got the balance just right.

Incredibly well acted, the performances are one of the film's best assets, but there are many besides.

I'd have moved! It's a classic, 9/10.
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