Sara Pascoe's Endangered Jobs
11 January 2021
...makes more sense than Last Woman on Earth as a title. Just sayin.

Otherwise, it's a nice format to wrap a travelogue around, and Pascoe is a charismatic figurehead. She seems incapable of being dishonest or hiding her irritation which is a magnificent quality for a presenter thrown into specific (and sometimes quite dangerous) situations. Examining countries through the medium of jobs that are at risk of being made redundant is a fascinating way to look at them, you meet fascinating people and I learned buckets.

The show (sadly truncated by COVID) is really only let down by the patronizing presentation which makes it feel like its aimed at children. You know, there's a thing unfolding and she narrates what happened to camera so they can edit the latter over the former and make it clearer. That and the abysmally childish animations which are meant to represent her "taking notes".

So, structurally awkward but a solid format and a good platform for Pascoe - hope there's a chance for more when things start to calm down.
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