The Sweeney: Selected Target (1976)
Season 3, Episode 1
Selected Target
11 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Kolly Kibber is a villain who has just been released from jail and is planning a big job. The prison officers found something in his cell.

Kibber blames his cellmate Titus Oates for grassing him up. He is also going to be released soon.

Regan goes to talk to Oates about Kibber in a hotel. Oates might be at risk from Kibber. Later Oates has disappeared. Carter thinks he has been killed.

You have to watch this episode carefully. Regan notes Oates has a high IQ.

It really is an elaborate plan hatched by Kibber and Oates. It involves transferring £2 million pounds from a New York bank with someone being threatened to facilitate the transfer.

Throughout the episode it is Kibber and Oates who are in control. Even when some thugs barge into a police stake out flat, it is a ruse from Kibber.

It has an ending where Regan realises that they have been had.

For some reason Haskins is nowhere to be seen in the opening story of the third season. Even though Regan has broken into his office to look for his appraisal form.
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