standard IMAX nature film
13 January 2021
This is one of those 40 minute nature specials probably meant for the science center IMAX theaters. It looks perfectly fine and it has narration from Charlton Heston. The one thing that I can never deny the man is his great authoritative voice. The opening has him describing how the ice age lowered the sea level and allowing the first humans to cross the land bridge to the New World. At this point, I'm thinking that he has just described the reverse mechanics of climate change. Ice piled up and the sea level lowered. I guess some people just read the script without actually understanding it. Next, there is a few minutes of a group of early man following a herd of caribou and there is nice stampede into the camera. Most of the rest is animals and landscapes. It's all very standard. It's good but nothing new. It was nominated for an Oscar.
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