The Expanse: Oyedeng (2021)
Season 5, Episode 7
For everyone saying this is filler you are wrong. For everyone saying this final scene doesn't make sense you are wrong.
13 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Firstly, to everyone saying this is soapy filler. This show has always about human connection and this episode is no different we get to see Naomi go from believing she has broken through with her son. To being completely crushed as she is abandoned and used as a tool to kill her family and the man she loves. Dominique, keon, filip and cyn absolutely bring their A game. The acting is absolutely phenomenal. In the final scene people are complaining about how this is completely wrong. Funny that they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You can survive in vacuum for as long as you have oxygen in your blood. One of the reasons we see most people die from vacuum exposure is because they are holding their breath. This cause a pressure differential between your lungs and the vacuum causing significant damage to your lungs. Therefore killing you. We can clearly see that Naomi purposefully exhales before being exposed to the vacuum. She the receives pretty serious radiation burns which is also scientifically accurate. She then uses the same injection of oxygenated blood we see in episode 3 to keep herself from passing out due to oxygen deprivation. There is not a single thing that is wrong with that scene and i don't understand why people are talking like they actually know what they are talking about. This episode was fantastic.
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