Review of Horizon Line

Horizon Line (2020)
as a comedy, it works
17 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
From the opening scenes you get a feeling that the set direction and acting is of very low quality, it had to have been the saddest and uninspiring bar scene ever made, and his apparent shed/home/work space, which was a shed with a few oxygen tanks thrown in, I think the cash was spent on CGI, well I must say, home PCs are very capable these days. They hook up on the island, she leaves, no real character development, she comes back for a wedding, runs into the guy again, share plane to another island where the pilot has a heart attack. Luckily she has had 2 pilot lessons and is able to keep the plane in the air. The fun starts here, where they perform aeronautical miracles, suspended the laws of physics as they traverse the outside of the plane, fixing fuel lines with sticky tape and replacing lost fuel with bottles of alcohol. Land on a sand bar, which becomes the ocean again at high tide, but they are rescued by a fishing boat. Pile of excrement, yes, but funny? Yes, I wanna watch this with some friends again and have a good belly laugh. From start to finish, it's an excellent example of cheap and nasty cookie cutter cinema, with some ridiculous surprises thrown in, thank me later.
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