The Mind, Explained (2019–2021)
The Mind, Unexplained
17 January 2021
I watched the episode about anxiety, and I really don't feel like watching another episode. Netflix's mode of operation is to dumb down these non-fiction shows into oblivion. If you Google anxiety you will get much more scientifically correct information handed to you about the subject, without the misinformation. They say that in reality there is no "cure" for anxiety, since it's a part of our biological makeup as humans. But then they contradict themselves by showing that medication in combination with therapy is the best treatment... This field of research moves very quickly, exposure therapy which they bring up is not a good way to treat anxiety really, since it's based on the idea that it can be removed completely. Now it is recommended to provide the patient with a way to live with the anxiety so that it affects them the least.

The woman in the show says it took her 15 years until she got her meds right. This is no outlier case I'm afraid, that seems about right. But in the show it looks like there are a plethora of different medications to treat anxiety with, they literally make it look like candy by showing the colorful boxes. As an afterthought they add that there are side effects to medication, when in reality the side effects are very severe. Making it take 15 years until you get it right, *if* you can hold out that long. This teeters on misinformation and becomes very problematic when the obvious target audience here is people who have barely heard about psychology before.
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