Calamity Jane (1953)
Not my 'Secret Love', but not too calamitous either!
18 January 2021
To start with Doris just wasn't winning me over. It was all a bit too forced, but as the film progressed she definitely grew on me.

I think it's a sign of the times that a film like this couldn't be made and set in today's world. At least most of it. Can you imagine a guy telling a girl that she'd be attractive if she only dressed like a woman for a change. We've all seen people and said things like that or made the inappropriate jokes about it, but that sort of talk just wouldn't wash in our politically correct and modern world any more. I was going to say that this film just goes to show how fickle men are, but actually Jane manages to change her allegiance pretty quickly too. I feel the same way about 'The Birdcage', I really hope that attitudes have changed sufficiently that the only place that premise would work nowadays is Russia.

It would definitely be interesting to see a newer version of this film, perhaps a more serious one without the musical numbers. She sure seems to have been a lady that had a story. I wonder how accurate this version really is compared to the true one? It is charming enough, but very typical of its era. I think I'm coming to it too late to fully appreciate it as one of the greats, but I did like it. I've been spoiled by the likes of 'Grease' and 'Chicago' and 'The Greatest Showman' with their more polished performances, sets and special effects. This one is very stage show and less life like maybe.

Doris and Howard are both spectacular in their roles, their singing is just so effortless and his voice in general just gives me thrills. Both are fairly pretty folk to look at too (Once she's covered herself in flowers and ribbons of course). There are lots of songs to recognise, but I didn't know that the song 'Secret Love' came from this film and I think that Doris' rendition was just lovely. I have added it to my list of songs to get on iTunes.

I would have liked to have seen a big group number or two, where the streets are filled with dancing cowboys all singing along. I think that's what some of the earlier musicals lack.

I'm going to get slated by my friends for the score, but it's hard to watch it so many years after its release and give it the same review I would have done then having seen the films I've seen.
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