A Super Secret
22 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
On their way to Azalea City, Ash the gang encounter a Gligar and a strange "superhero", Gligarman...

I really enjoyed this episode, and I think it's underrated. The concept is fairly fresh; there aren't a lot of out-of-shape superheroes whose secret identity is known by everyone. The father-daughter superhero dynamic is well done, and the reveal at the end made for a great fight. Gligar is a straight-up awesome Pokemon, so any dedicated episode is already in good shape.

I enjoyed the Spinarak tank segment, with Jessie and James in Metapod costumes. The highlight of the episode was the comic-book style animated movie in the episode. This show doesn't often get to dabble into other art-styles, but the art team did a great job with the Frank Miller-esque shading.

I didn't like what Brock was up to this episode, however. I thought he was a bit too theatrical and mopey this episode after his routine heartbreak. I know, I know, it's Brock, what else would I expect? But, still...he could dial it back in every now and again.
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