Not bad, but not too good either
22 January 2021
  • Features a more somber and human portrayal of Ip Man unlike its big blockbuster counterparts... and Anthony Wong deserves credit for the way in which he lives the character out.

  • The dialogues were laughable at certain points; especially whenever Wing Chun was being discussed... It was as if the writers were too caught up with how cool they presumed Wing Chun to be, that they didn't realize how much of what they wrote came across as blatant Wing Chun propaganda.

  • Everything about the final showdown (or "The Final Fight") felt tiresome:
* The lead up to it seemed forced; as if to find a way to end the movie with an all-out brawl, * The editing was too pacey and choppy, as if to compensate for lackluster fight choreography and * The choreography itself, which played out as such; good people who know Wing Chun vs bad people who don't know Wing Chun

  • Also, the Bruce Lee "cameo" could've been avoided, or at least cast more accurately.

Overall, it's a movie that is unable to decide between the humanity and the action that involves the grandmaster; and therefore combines them both to do neither any justice.
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