Journalism, crime and political prosecution.
22 January 2021
"Killer Ratings", sensationalism and questioning the integrity of the program / reporter is just as much about Canal Livre's integrity, as it is about the people who covered Wallace's case afterwards.

This is an extremely well paced and detailed documentary which I'm giving the high rating in particular for it's unbiased storytelling. There isn't just one side or one argument being told here, the audience is left to make their own conclusion. Like a jury in a court, you hear all the evidence and then have to conclude who you believe. Each side contradicting each other, with no obvious answer to the question.

It also goes through just the sickening level of crime, drugs and corruption in Brazil. Really astonishing, even provoking. The problems are so deep rooted. Highly recommend giving this a watch if you're serious about crime documentaries. Yes it is a bit long, but it also goes into extensive details. It's not just repeating same information over and over or getting sidetracked - as some documentaries do.
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