Bones: The Man in the Morgue (2006)
Season 1, Episode 19
Hey Bones Booth
23 January 2021
Great episode in my opinion. If I woke up covered in blood with no recollection I'd be hysterically freaking out. I appreciated that they didn't treat Voodoo as just an evil religion with all evil people but that its not completely different than other religions. Like with everything there's good and bad it's all how you view and practice it. Not impressed how Booth is very testy when Bones brings anything up about Catholicism but takes pretty much every cheap shot about Voodoo throughout the episode. Zack and Hodgins conversation about about Hodgins trying to look taller around the women was amazing. Caroline Julian yesssss i absolutely love her and everything she says. That character is so well written and so funny. I've noticed that very few people are scary once they've been poked in the eye hahahaha
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