Thieves of the Wood (2018–2020)
Edited by a Chainsaw -- or written by one
25 January 2021
Can't continue watching. Enormous gaps in the story, almost as if episodes were left out. The film has an excellent opportunity to reveal insight on class struggle -- rotting aristocracy vs. crude and arrogant rising bourgeoisie, same bourgeoisie making plans to rule through slavery and unrestrained violence, rural proletarians fighting in Robin-Hood style to . . . who knows. So in love with the violent and grotesque it has images that seem composed by the very corrupt bourgeoisie who watch it all. Even reviewers mistake the mud-and-blood "reality" with being impressive representation of "medieval" times -- although the time is 250 years past medieval. If a viewer has a tolerance for what we saw as shoddy story telling and over-gritty settings, maybe there's something here. We couldn't find it.
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