I like bad horror, but this was too bad even for me
26 January 2021
I mean, I love horror, even bad horror, but this went beyond bad. It's not exploitation - the murders aren't well-filmed, and not particularly numerous. It's not artsy - or at least if it is, it failed to convey that fact to me in any rational way. Actually it's really really dull.

I'd say the protagonist was unsympathetic, but I found zero people in the entire movie to sympathize with or fear for. In fact the film goes out of its way to present us with pretentious asses, poseurs, half-drugged zombies, slatterns, and worse. It's like it was trying to put me off. There was also a lot of bottom-feeding garage rock music which I guess I wasn't the target audience for. But wow that band was bad.

The protagonist is supposedly an artist hoping for his big break when he finally sells his giant buffalo picture which I was uninspired by. To my amusement, at least one other character in the movie agrees with me at length.

A dull movie about dull-but-irritating characters getting killed in fairly dull ways. I expected more from a film named Driller Killer. No idea why this made it to the video nasty list - now at least I can blame the British censors for making this terrible flick famous.

If you want to see a bad horror movie that's FUN to watch, see Mother's Day (1980) or Luther the Geek (1989) or Dr. Giggles (1992). Those are rollicking barrels of laughs. Avoid Driller Killer at all costs.
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