I'm just gonna assume that Mr. Sherman was on crack when he wrote the screenplay for this flick
26 January 2021
Written and directed by Adam Sherman, She's Just a Shadow revolves around a young woman and her family in Tokyo, along with her abusive gangster, a sadistic, perverted, serial-killer who ties his victims (all being women) to a railroad, and last, but not least, numerous prostitutes prancing around in their birthday suits; yeah, it's as jumbled as you would expect.

Let me start off by mentioning the direction ... It's fine, nothing spectacular, even when it's questionable at times; I'll get to that in a little bit. The writing however, let's just say that a 1st-grader could've written a better script than this. Like I said, it is a completely jumbled mess. The characters are mostly 2-dimmensional, especially the lead, and the acting, well, let's just say that 'wooden' would be too kind of a description for it.

And last, but certainly not least, I should mention the over-the-top violence and the needlessly gratuitous-nudity. First and for most, I am not a prude (quite the opposite in fact), nor do I have anything against blood or gore, as long as the two actually do something to service the plot and/or story-line. The gratuitous nudity did nothing to service the plot as much as it was used simply to pander to adolescent male viewers while the over-the-top violence was added purely for shock-value; and if you've actually seen the movie, you know which specific scene I'm referring to.

All-in-all, if you're a hormonal edgy-wannabe teen, knock yourself out and give this one a watch. Otherwise, do not listen to the positive reviews on this platform, they're liars. All that being said, I'm giving She's Just a Shadow 3.6/10 stars.
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