Review of 1BR

1BR (2019)
It kept me engaged but it's not without its flaws...
26 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The first quarter was predictable horror, like I knew the Cat was gonna die, the "Cute Neighbor Boy" was gonna be bad, the old neighbor lady was gonna be bad, even had reservations on the couple with the daughter due to how the daughter responded after being scolded... but not the entire apartment complex. That being said, it got to the point that labeling anyone as "good or bad" started to feel impossible, due to the amount of people that went through the same conditioning and have eventually (even if reluctantly) moved on. Her convincing her Dad to leave, not because she wants to stay there, but because she wanted him to be safe regardless of the trauma he caused her shown a lot of good character development for both her character and her Dad's. The third act was hit and miss for me though. I expected her to kill Jerry and Brian, I expected Lester to help her try and escape, and once they brought her friend back in I knew she was going to die. The ending, when she finally leaves the "community" she has been a part of for so long, just to walk outside and see every apartment complex on the entire street starts having an alarm activated due to it being founded by the same man was also sadly very predictable. It ending with her running down that street, like it was the ending of John Wick 2, just for it to abruptly end is cliché as all heck. It is fun to watch her finally escape, after all that she went through I was rooting for her, but it did feel kinda forced.

All in all I want this universe to be explored once again in both a sequel and prequel. I want to see a movie where the main character is, in fact, completely conditioned. A movie where we see a character that went through hell, also put someone else through that same hell, without feeling any reservations due to that conditioning. Loosely like the Midsommar movie did with its main character by the end. But I also want to see a movie where the consequences of Sarah's actions are shown. A movie that shows a lot of these "Communities" finally starting to fight back just as she did. Or maybe even a movie that has the conditioning improved to be even more "affective" regardless of how brutal it becomes so that what happened with Sarah never happens again.
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