Introducing Sheriff Hoot Kloot
27 January 2021
On the most part, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises' output was very interesting and enjoyable to watch, with their best period being the 60s. Their various theatrical series were mixed, are a few were very good, a few were average at best or below and a few were in between. The Hoot Kloot series, made up of 17 cartoons produced between 1973 and 1974, is one of the in between ones like Roland and Rattfink. Not as good as prime-Pink Panther, The Inspector and the Ant and the Aardvark series, but better than those of Tijuana Toads, The Blue Racer and Crazylegs Crane.

1973's 'Kloot's Kounty' starts the series off and does well in setting up what to expect from the series. As far as the Hoot Kloot cartoons go, 'Kloot's County' is neither one of the best or worst and instead somewhere in the middle. It is well made with a nice visual style, a lot of fun parts and most of the characters show potential, but it's also nothing extraordinary and one character was a bit hard to take both on first viewing and rewatch.

'Kloot's Kounty' has a lot of good things. The animation is simple but strikingly so, and although there is a lack of finesse in the character designs this is more than made up for in the rich colours (the predominant ones being brown and dark orange) and suitably abstract backgrounds. The music is full of character, has so much rhythmic energy and has a real Wild West vibe to it. Hoot Kloot may be diminuative but his personality is very larger than life and while it is loud it's not overbearing. Really liked his rapport with his horse Fester. That is one sultry shepherdess too.

There is some rapid fire wordplay and a fair share of amusing gags, all in the visuals and what really drive 'Kloot's Kounty'. One of the better parts being with the cards and its outcome. Was reminded of Looney Tunes at times, with some of Crazywolf's antics being like Bugs with Elmer or Yosemite Sam. Bob Holt really brings Hoot Kloot and Fester to life.

Was somewhat less keen on the character of Crazywolf, who is here pretty obnoxious (especially that laugh) and over the top. Larry D. Mann's overdone voice acting plays a large part in this. The story is told with energy but is very basic, with a "series of gags" structure, and everything feels too predictable.

Did feel too that the Crazywolf hitting Hoot Kloot on the head gag repeated more than once became rather repetitive. While there is a lot of energy here and the parodying of Western genre conventions was fun, there are a few scenes that feel too short in length such as a fairly throwaway gag in the part with the lake.

Concluding, decent start. 6/10
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