12 Monkeys: Brothers (2017)
Season 3, Episode 4
Finally we get rid of the dead weight
28 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers



I've been waiting 3 seasons to see the most annoying character on this show finally DIE! Jose Ramse was a selfish man who choose one life over billions. And he killed James Cole his so called "brother" while doing it. That was a betrayal that I could never get past no matter how many good deeds he tried to do. And those good deeds were only something to rectify something he had screwed up. He was always doing his own thing, making his own plans opposite of James. In season 2 he orchestrated a coup so that he and Cassandra could try and take out the witness. Instead of going with James and Doctor Jones's plan to go back to 1957 to prevent a major paradox that would rectify the current timeline, Ramse deemed his plan the best and only viable option. Not only was that mission a total bust, he lost his son anyway. This was a guy who always thought his way was the right and only way. It was his worse quality and made him an arrogant ass.

In the last scene between James and Ramse, James reveals to Ramse that he had always known what he was up to since the moment he showed up with Olivia. James says "I always want to believe you but you always let me down." Truer words have never been spoken. James had gotten to the point of knowing he could never really trust his "brother" and it was nice to see James was finally where we the audience were. Maybe instead of entrusting Olivia over James they could of come up with another plan that didn't involve killing Casandra before the birth of her baby. This is what made Ramse so unlikable, his arrogant ego thinking he always knew what was best when in actuality he didn't.

The cherry on top of this scene is when Ramse had the nerve to say to James, "Is 1 life worth 7 billion?" in pleading with James to let him kill Casandra. LOLOLOL ..this coming from the guy who choose his son over 7 billion in season 1. Yeah okay Ramse, what an asinine hypocrite. Kirk Acevedo is fine actor but his character was the worse and I'm glad to see him finally gone.
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