This would totally be on Argentinian Lifetime LOL
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Was this one of the best things that I have ever seen? No, but I enjoyed it. I'll admit it made no sense. In the matter of what seemed to be a week, Emmy Rossum's double and a Nazi, had a vacation fling having been intimate once with of course ended up in her getting pregnant. When he finds out she is Jewish , he gets angry with her and she storms off. He ends up having a dream about her shortly later and has a change of heart lol.

In the meantime her other suitor is a cute, nice, Jewish guy well liked by her family, but she rejects his proposal. Blah blah blah, jealous maid keeps a letter he wanted to go to his girlfriend which had his address but she burns it. Why didn't he just give the girl his address and phone number? They could have made it more believable doing that while still having a show LOL.

Anywhoo her father gets angry at her for being pregnant saying that she has to marry his old rich, business partner who would act like he's the baby's father since she brought shame on her family. I know it was 1940, but couldn't she have just left, pawning off jewelry, and waited tables lol? Her family could have just made something up. Better yet no mention of terminating the pregnancy was even mentioned.

Anyway the old man she married basically forces her to sleep with him all the time (I don't know if you could say the r word on here). she attempts to kill him with mushrooms, but has a change of heart. It gets better. That night there is an attempted burglary. He gets shot and dies. she ends up a wealthy widow, and tries to then do the "I'm an independent woman and don't need a man" thing, which doesnt last long.

Around this time, the German ends up back in Argentina doing hard labor after he has deserted the army. He had $$ and could have spent the time looking for her so why bother working when he could find her? He finds her and she gets angry at him even after knowing that he did give her his address (well tried to).

Oh yeah remember the cute Jewish guy? He ends up still being into her, and she agrees to go on a date with him only ending up telling him he's never going to happen (poor guy!). Blah blah blah, the German and her have sex again and they show a clip of them, their son, and her being knocked up again living in some little cottage.

I gave you a summary with stupid storylines. They could have shown them together more in the beginning when they met at the hotel over the summer. The only scenes of them had no depth. They were just kissing, swimming, briefly talking on a bench, etc. They never had any meaningful conversations. I'll admit they had physical chemistry together, but that was it. The hotel scenes focused on her and not really on him. They should have showed his interactions with the nazis more to show how evil he was but they didnt trying to redeem him I guess. It would have been interesting to me if she ended up ditching him realizing how awful he was deciding to start a future with the Jewish guy, but I know they based this on a book and went with that.

Do you remember Danielle Steele movies from the 90s? This was like that except in those movies I feel like they show more of how the woman ended up being independent. The girl ends up having her wealthy ex's company and they never show her working or being independent aside from driving a car.

so many missed opportunities.
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