Review of Volition

Volition (2019)
Terrible Sci-Fi film!
31 January 2021
Warning: Spoilers
I know that sci-fi is FICTION.

But this film is ridiculous. The amygdala is in the brain, which is in the skull, not the buttocks. The hippocampus is involved with memory, while the amygdala is involved with emotion. Of course time travel is impossible. But I forgive the film all of this, and so many more inaccuracies.

What I cannot forgive are the rampant inconsistencies even within its own 'suspension of disbelief'. How many times must a man die before he gets it right at the end? He forgot how many times he died in the final half hour. He had run out of his time travel injection long before the last time he tried to get it right. He died (really) at least once before the end. He was shot more than six times yet still carried the wounds in his reincarnations!!

And the happy ending, with him and his beautiful girlfriend alive and well!

This film is absolute nonsense! It is not even entertainment.

So much so that I joined IMDP just to tell everyone what a terrible film it is, especially after reading 10/10 reviews.
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