I really wanted to like this... and it does have its good moments
31 January 2021
This movie had so much potential, but unfortunately just doesn't live up to it. Still, it was an interesting movie to watch. The two main actors were terrific, especially Sujata Day who really felt natural and a joy to watch.

I was hoping this film would be like a reverse Miracle Mile (one of my all-time favourite under-rated films), but... it isn't. The premise of an imminent nuclear strike felt like it was kind of half-heartedly interjected as an excuse for the characters to have a more intense breakup, but honestly it felt false, and I did get tired of the back and forth of the relationship.

It was also too easy to tell they had a minimal budget, as the "panic" and supposedly imminent nuke scenes were just.... yeah, not there. Again, it felt fake and just an excuse for them to talk more.

The worst part was so much of it revolved around social media - yes, it's current and perhaps realistic, but it was just really annoying and unnecessary, detracting from the story rather than adding to it. There was much much more social media featured than the bare minimum "imminent death" that was promised.

In the end... it was okay. It was worth watching once, and as another reviewer said, the last 5 minutes made it interesting. I just wish they'd actually stuck to the real idea here - breaking up amidst the threat of a nuke attack - instead of all the social media stuff.
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