Farscape: A Constellation of Doubt (2003)
Season 4, Episode 17
A heartfelt retrospection on both main characters of the series and humankind's collective psyche
1 February 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The spot-on execution of an emotionally manipulative interview, produced by a biased earthling for his sensation-hungry audience, is genuinely gripping to follow.

Not much else to add to it, beside the plot hole everyone mentions over here: the aliens speaking English on tape. To clear things first, the only human interacting with non-english speaking aliens in an interview was Crichton's nephew, who could've easily taken the translator "flu-shot" off-camera, so no technical error here. To myself, I immediately figured out that the VHS tape of the documentary they took on Moya either didn't contain English dub voice-over, with which the show must have been aired back on Earth or, if they captured the airing much later in space (which would explain some past tense retrospective sentences in it), said voice-over is simply omitted by Farscape episode director as an artistic license decision (to avoid jumbled mess of alien characters speaking gibberish and the english dubbing narrator cross-talking over each other, dispersing the melancholic tone of the scene in the process) - simply imagine any news report with a foreigner speak being dubbed over in English / local language of choice. And, of course, Moya residents hear all of it in their own locale with the help of translator microbes.
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